The average house price on BOSKERNICK CLOSE is £334,416
The most expensive house in the street is 2 BOSKERNICK CLOSE with an estimated value of £381,120
The cheapest house in the street is 4 BOSKERNICK CLOSE with an estimated value of £298,944
The house which was most recently sold was 4 BOSKERNICK CLOSE, this sold on 12 Feb 2018 for £237,500
The postcode for BOSKERNICK CLOSE is TR18 5EY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £336,889 £67,500 20 Oct 1997
2 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £381,120 £95,000 31 Jan 2000
4 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £298,944 £237,500 12 Feb 2018
6 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £340,764 £235,000 24 Jul 2015
7 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £341,706 £222,000 18 Jul 2014
10 BOSKERNICK CLOSE Detached £307,078 £240,000 31 Aug 2017